ABOUT アダージョについて

Family Support Adagio の想い

平成25 年4 月1 日に施行(平成30 年改正)された「障がい者総合支援法」により、障がいのある方もない方も住み慣れた地域で生活するために、日常生活や社会生活を送るための総合的な支援が始まりました。精神・知的障がいの方向けのグループホームも、そのひとつです。
そしてこの度、一般社団法人Family Support Adagio は、東金市を中心に、精神・知的障がい者向けのグループホームを運営することとなりました。その数はまだまだ足りていません。

代表理事 甲斐久美子

  • 【英語】

    When I was working as a counselor at a welfare office, I met people who had difficulties in social life due to depression, schizophrenia, and intellectual disabilities. I have also been close to the concerns of the parents and families of the people concerned. A close relation of mine has also developed schizophrenia and has struggled with it for many years.
    Many people with mental or intellectual disabilities are kind-hearted and serious. Because of this, they sometimes struggle with how to relate to others and feel unreasonable.
    Such people with disabilities also have rights that should be guaranteed, such as the opportunity to participate in society and to choose where and with whom to live. Most of them also want to be independent.
    The Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act, which came into effect on April 1, 2013 (revised in 2008), has started to provide comprehensive support for daily life and social life in order for persons with and without disabilities to live in their familiar communities. Group homes for the mentally and intellectually challenged are one of them.
    Family Support Adagio is now operating group homes for the mentally and intellectually challenged, mainly in Togane City. The number of such homes is still in short supply.
    We would like to help create a "symbiotic society" where people are not divided by their disabilities. We also hope to ensure the safety and security of our users, and value our relationship with and trust in the local community.

    Representative Director Kumiko Kai

  • 【中国語】

    我们希望帮助创建一个 "共生社会",使人们不因残疾而分裂。我们也希望确保我们用户的安全和保障,并重视我们与当地社区的关系和信任。

    代表董事Kumiko Kai
